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Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Fire Falling At Hermon

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

This is a story about a Bible study and a small village of Herman California which is now part of the greater Los Angeles area. It was told by William j Seymour in his book called, "The Azusa Street Papers," in 1906.

Hermon is a small Free Methodist settlement in the hills near Los Angeles.   At cottage prayer meetings being held there, The Holy Ghost has manifested His presence in a marvelous way.  The church people stand aloof to a great extent, but God is overthrowing all opposition. 

At a meeting recently held in a cottage near the church, One sister was baptized with the Holy Ghost on the front porch.  She lay under the power of God for something like 2 hours, praising God and speaking in an unknown language.

Two nights afterward, add another cottage prayer meeting, The house was filled to overflowing with people.  The meeting lasted until one o'clock in the morning.  Five were baptized with the Holy Ghost and three were sanctified.  Two sisters lay under the power of God until after one o'clock, speaking and singing in an unknown tongues.  Was singing could be heard over the hills.  This is stirring the people, And God is going to work wonders in this place.  He recognizes no man-made creeds, doctrines, your classes of people, but "the willing and obedient shall eat the good of the land."

William James Roop, MABS

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