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Friday, November 22, 2019

God's Glory Principle

God’s Glory Principle

             This is a principle were God will make an impossible situation just so that He can receive the glory for the outcome of that situation.  God likes to showcase His Glory and Mercy as a prelude to what He would do on the Cross!  The Apostle Paul understood this principle very well.  He told us in Romans 9:21-23.  “Hath not the potter power over the clay...if God, willing to shew wrath, and to make his power known...” 
             The Exodus:  God created all of the drama of Moses going to Egypt to free the Israelite's, all of the plagues, and the hardening of pharaohs heart to make it all seem impossible until the very end.  All of this was mainly done to maximize the glory for God, and show the Israelite's that He alone is their Savior.
            Jericho:  Joshua 6.  The city of Jericho was the strongest fortress city in Palestine.  The Israelite's could not take the city without heavy equipment.  God told Joshua something ridicules like marching around the city seven times!  All so that God could maximize the glory for Himself.
            Gideon:  Judges 6-8.  God instructed Gideon to attack a large, trained army with a very small and untrained group just to make things impossible.  God maximized the glory for Himself.
            David and Goliath:  1 Samuel 17.  God sent the little shepherd boy, called David to fight a large well trained giant.  It seemed impossible which maximized the glory for God.
             Jehoshaphat’s choir:  2 Chronicles 20:21.  King Jehoshaphat was fearful when he had gotten reports of invasion from all sides.  He called on the LORD for help, and God told him go to the place where the enemy would be, Moabites and Ammonites, and to just stand there!  They did that, singing as they went, and God had the enemy kill themselves.  God made an impossible situation in order to maximize the glory for Himself.
        Nehemiah’s Wall:  Nehemiah 6:16. Nehemiah was sent to reconstruct the walls of the city of Jerusalem.  When he saw all local political opposition and the peoples lack of will, it looked impossible.  God made it so, and provided the way to maximize the glory for Himself.

 Israel’s Light:  Isaiah 49:6. The prophet Isaiah said that Israel, and her Messiah, would be a light unto the Gentile world.  This seemed impossible at the times due to the fact that Israel was in a backslide condition!  But, seven-hundred years later Jesus did just that on the cross.

William J. Roop, M.A.B.S.

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