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Thursday, February 1, 2024

The God Card

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

Here is something that I found that I wanted to share with you.

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When you say to anyone, “God told me”…. You just alienated everyone in your life. Nothing your spouse, your friends, your family, or your pastor says or thinks now means anything. Our sovereign God is the ultimate authority. Once you say God said it, a second opinion is no longer needed. 

It’s dangerous, yes dangerous, to listen to voices as guidance for your life! If God speaks, it will align with the Word of God. People in general, who don’t pray, don’t give, and aren’t faithful to church decide to drop the God card. And sometimes those who are faithful do the same. 

What proof do we have that God told you anything? The Word is our proof. If it aligns with His Word, it’s easy to affirm and support.

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People who don’t obey the Word are now all of a sudden all too willing to obey God’s voice that they say they heard? This is out of balance. 

If you can’t hear God impress you to give more, work more, pray more, support more, love more, and forgive more? It’s highly doubtful, and likely improbable and suspect that God told you to do anything else.

God respects order in the church and our lives. God doesn’t tell you to come against your parents, your spouse, or your church. The Bible says to be obedient even to the froward. Look that word up. God doesn’t tell people to move to another state, change jobs, or change churches… 

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Can a preacher even quote the verse, "obey them that have the rule over you?"  (Hebrews 13:17). People in general, if they don’t like their situation, all one has to do is drop the God card. In this woke generation obedience isn’t even an option. It’s entirely unknown. 

We all have the right to make all of those changes. Just don’t say God told you to. Make those moves because in prayer, pastoral counsel and even fasting, you feel it’s best for you and your family. Just don’t lay it in God’s lap. Don’t drop the God card. When you drop that, it’s over. 

When people really believe God told them to do X, Y, or Z, now there is no one else. God does not interrupt the chain of command. A husband or wife can’t even fast without permission from their spouse. Do we understand the respect God has even for the marriage covenant? Let alone the respect He has for the men he has called to Pastor. 

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Can God speak in an audible voice? He can. Does he? Highly doubtful He does so to many. In 60 years of life, I don’t need five fingers to denote examples of such in the thousands of hours of ministry I’ve heard. Sure God’s Spirit along with the Word of God can impress upon us. 

A word from God will never be in conflict with the Word of God. 

Why would the Scriptures be replete with seeking counsel if God bypasses all earthly authority and tells people directly what to do? Quite simply He doesn’t. People make up their own minds; and to suppress any other opinion from anyone- they drop the God card.

God speaks through His Word. God doesn’t speak to people who don’t pray and read His Word. If you know the Bible, then you know God doesn’t do such.

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He sent an angel to the house of Cornelius to send for Peter to tell him what to do. Why didn’t God tell Cornelius himself? He told Saul to go to Damascus and it would be told him what to do. God didn’t even tell him who it would be. Ananias came to Saul. Why didn’t God tell Saul himself?

God is telling you what to do? Bypassing all the people in your life? No He didn’t. God told Abraham to go, but He didn’t tell him where. The Bible says Abraham went, but he had no idea where. But God bypasses the order of the family and the church today and gives people explicit instructions in 2024? Or 2025? No. Don’t drop the God card. I’ve been made aware of many people over the years who said God told them to do thus and so. The results of those decisions speak for themselves.

We walk by faith not by sight! We look through a glass darkly! We will understand it better by and by. Job looked to the left, the right, the front, and back and could not find God. These statements and more tell me God didn’t tell you what you said He told you. 

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No one on earth would question anyone saying God told them to pray more, give more, consecrate more…. But God didn’t. You feel impressed to because the Word says to and the preacher told you to, and you’re becoming obedient to the Word. 

Was God the ultimate source? Sure, God affirms that, but the impetus for those things comes through the Word of God, the challenges from ministry to step up, and even the inspiration that comes from a spouse. 

God will not give any guidance or instruction that invalidates, violates, varies, or deviates from the Word of God. Any word from God will be anchored in the Word.

Why would God tell anyone to seek counsel when He could just be telling all of us every decision to make? Does every man or woman on earth have the ability to move, change cities, change states, change churches, or change spouses? Absolutely. 

Just don’t drop the God card.

William James Roop