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Monday, December 7, 2020

Baptized With The Holy Spirit

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

by F. E. Hill
The Apostolic Faith Paper, December 1906.

Do you long to be filled of joy and free,
To be strong in God and his glory see,
Then obey His word and you shall be,
Baptized with the Holy Ghost.

"Ye shall be baptized," Jesus said,
Baptized with the Holy Ghost.
Tarry then until with the power and endued,
Baptized with the Holy Ghost.
Yes I'll be baptized with His power,
Baptized with the Holy Ghost.
Tis the gift I see, Father's promise to me,
Baptized with the Holy Ghost.

Will you consecrate to Him now you're all,
Let Him have his way while to him you call,
As in faith you wait the power will fall,
Baptized with the Holy Ghost.

"Ye Shall be baptized," Jesus said,
Baptized with the Holy Ghost.
Tarry then until with the power and endued,
Baptized with the Holy Ghost.
Yes I'll be baptized with His power,
Baptized with the Holy Ghost.
Tis the gift I see, Father's promise to me,
Baptized with the Holy Ghost.

"This is that" which fell at Pentecost,
To prepare the church to redeem the lost,
We must then be filled at any cost,
Baptized with the Holy Ghost.

"Ye Shall be baptized," Jesus said,
Baptized with the Holy Ghost.
Tarry then until with the power endued,
Baptized with the Holy Ghost.
Yes I'll be baptized with His power,
Baptized with the Holy Ghost.
Tis the gift I see, Father's promise to me,
Baptized with the Holy Ghost.

Tis the gift of God to the sanctified,
He will comfort, lead and will be our guide,
And will dwell in us, coming to abide,
Baptized with the Holy Ghost.

"Ye Shall be baptized," Jesus said,
Baptized with the Holy Ghost.
Tarry then until with the power endued,
Baptized with the Holy Ghost.
Yes I'll be baptized with His power,
Baptized with the Holy Ghost.
Tis the gift I see, Father's promise to me,
Baptized with the Holy Ghost.

Will you gladly fall at the Saviour's feet,
Give your doubtings over, and be made complete,
There to dwell in peace, and communion sweet,
Baptized with the Holy Ghost.

"Ye Shall be baptized," Jesus said,
Baptized with the Holy Ghost.
Tarry then until with the power endued,
Baptized with the Holy Ghost.
Yes I'll be baptized with His power,
Baptized with the Holy Ghost.
Tis the gift I see, Father's promise to me,
Baptized with the Holy Ghost.

You can sing God's praise now, and by and by,
Ye shall speak with tongues, and shall prophesy,
In the power of God you shall testify,
Baptized with the Holy Ghost.

Brother Roop

Roop-Crappell Ministries

My Hospice blog

Apostolic Theological Seminary